Prevail on your House colleagues to understand the dangers of turning-tail, and our backs, on Ukraine. That isolationist silliness was a mistake when facing the Third Reich, and a grave mistake now. If more history was taught in public and private education, there would be no debate on this policy issue.

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I’ll be clear here and you can see where I’m coming from. I’ll pick the budget for my example and overall evaluation of how our government is failing the people. The people who they serve not the people serving government. The federal budget is supposed to be done and signed by September 30th each year. It has not been for the last 27 years. To me the biggest reason seems to be funding but not necessarily the 12 department but what is tagged on to the budget or the pork as it is known. Or earmarks. It always boils down to it’s one parties fault or the others as to why it has not been passed and is kicked down the road on a Continuing Resolution. Hell in recent years normal order wasn’t followed and it was ultimately kicked to the street as an omnibus bill and who knew what was in those and how much they cost the people that pay the bills. You and the rest of your cronies need to get it together and quit this my way or the highway one party BS.

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Not a word about addressing gun issues. When you spoke the evening of the local massacre, I saw not only a saddened community member with a resolute stance to do something to help remedy the situation. In fact I could see standing there a potential national leader. Pleases consider that fateful moment.

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This Democrat isn't afraid to say he is a Democrat. Don't abandon Biden. He is a great president and deserves your support. I share your concern about assault weapons. Be need sensible gun control. I also am strongly in favor of support for Ukraine. Israeli aid is more complicated while they pursue extreme violence in Gaza. I have written to Biden to broker a ceasefire. What are you doing to stop the slaughter?

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It should be One Nation Under God. Not left vs right. We are the United States of America. You should all be working for the good of all people. Bring back the Made in the USA. Make things affordable for all Americans.

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Vote blue in November and advise everyone else you speak to as well, family and friends. Gone are the days of polite avoidance about religion and politics; our Democracy is at stake. Whenever I talk with anyone on the phone for credit card service, etc., I ask them what state they're in and speak to them about an election in their state with a blue candidate, like Colin Allred in Texas, and Lukas Kunce in Missouri and Adam Frisch in Colorado and promote the humanness and democratic actions of the candidate among others. Let our voices be heard.

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I think you're doing a good


Thank you

Preston Pray!!

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Proud of you for your recent stand on guns and on support for Ukraine

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Go Blue Dogs, and yes, please tax billionaires.

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Congress needs to hang their "party hat" at the door. It's truly a sad day when Congress is not capable of coming together long enough to pass a yearly budget before the end of the year. Perhaps a rule that if Congress does not pass a budget before the 1st DEADLINE, they don't get paid until the budget gets passed. Should their lack of performance result in a shut down they, like all government employees, work without pay too. How long would your business survive if you kept employees who do not do the work they were hired to do?

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Government intervention only tends to mess things up, cause more taxation that hurts everyone, and taking money away from some, to just give to others is not much different than theft. Robin Hood was a thief! If you want to help grow jobs and business opportunities, helping lower income people, you need to reduce government regulations, restrictions, and taxes. This will also help with providing more affordable housing as well.

I have spent a lot of time in Ukraine. It is every bit as corrupt as Russia. We helped create the whole situation over there by trying to push Ukraine and the former Soviet Republics into NATO and putting our military resources right on Russia's doorstep. We didn't like the USSR putting missiles in Cuba in the 60's and we wouldn't like them putting them in Mexico or Canada today! It is time for America to get off its moral high horse until our government and society actually becomes moral again. It seems this administration is hell bent on getting into a war with Russia. I hope you realize that the "Vietnam Police Action" started this same way. If indeed you send "support" to Ukraine, which I am not in favor of, you better not send it in the form of money! They are corrupt and will just pocket most of it at our expense. Politicians are spending our way into financial oblivion that will lead to the collapse of our nation. Think about that when you vote to spend other people's money, which is actually just creating more debt, leading to the fall of our country.

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Ranked choice voting expanded to all 50 states would slowly break the strangle-hold of the two warring parties, Dems and GOP. When people know casting a vote for a third-party candidate is not throwing it away, it will slowly make the major parties pay attention to voters' concerns.

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At almost 85 years old, my focus has turned to doing what I can to ensure my "remaindermen" can live their American dream. I have 5 children, 11 grandchildren, 3 great grandchidren and extended family members and I'd like them all to prosper well into the future. To do so, here's what we need to tackle now:

1. The national debt. Reducing govt. spending just nibbles at the edges. We need more revenue. Two ways to accomplish... Tax the billionaires, and unfetter the economy.

2. National Security. China is eating our lunch, and the world is full of bad guys. Secure our borders. Invest in Ai. Defend democracy wherever in the world it is threatened. Prosecute corruption. And to hedge our bet, learn Mandarin.

3. Climate Change. Mainers got a taste of it in January with 2 back-to-back 100 year storms. But the horse has left the barn. Policy should focus on mitigation of the result of an increasingly warmer world, rather than throwing trillions of $$$ on prevention.

4. Formal Education System. Get back to basics. Cut out the CRT nonsense. Curb the unions and make it illegal for any political action to be funded by member dues.

5. The Media. I spent a career in the news business when it was an honest enterprise. We built community. Now the (national) media divides us. Keep your advocacy out of the news, or lose your protections.

And here's an idea. Maine is blessed with enough fresh water underground to share with western states in need. Transportation is the challenge. How about a pipeline? Poland Spring monetizes water, why not the State of Maine?

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You started as a Mainer, a husband and a father, but as you gain more experience and knowledge politically, you become a broader thinker. I can’t subscribe to many points of a democrat or republican member, but as you are pointing out both have areas we can agree with and support. As it sits now, I cannot confidently vote for either assumed presidential candidate. Neither Trump or Biden is acceptable to me.

I appreciate you trying to work on the border problem. We first need to know a number or an approximate of how many immigrants we can accept into this country. When I say that, I’m thinking about housing, resources for daily living and help in getting the immigrants independently financially on their feet. We cannot take resources away from impoverished, suffering Americans who also are lacking with appropriate housing and supplies for daily living. Another issue is knowing who is allowed in so that we are protecting ourselves against those who would harm us. We would be naive to deny we have enemies who would like to execute a revengeful demise of Americans. Clearly we need a methodical, organized protocol for entry. I don’t see how there’s any other way. We already have blown it by some degree by having a porous border and not even knowing who is here. Our fiscal deficit is so outrageous and taking in dependents who add to the deficit is not sensible.

The gun issue is another area where we have essentially blown it. No one is going to willfully turn in their semi automatic weapons or assault rifles. These weapons are abundant and in the hands of either volatile or mentally unhealthy individuals terribly outcomes happen. The answer is we need more mental health workers, and clearly that isn’t an easy fix. As it is now the wait for mental health services is far too long. To correct that would involve educating and adding mental health workers in large numbers, and I don’t see that happening. It needs to be addressed somehow.

Thanks for your work, and I hope you can succeed with your mission!

Kathryn Merrithew

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I just spoke to my insurance agent who told me that some car premiums have tripled in the state of Maine and further that, the state approved these increases. I'm a low mileage driver with no violations or claims and my new premium exceeds a 50% increase. I understand that climate change for some is a factor, but it shouldn't be in my case, I don't have high exposure. Corporate greed in the insurance industry needs to be checked.

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Thank you for taking the time to share with Mainers and express your thoughts , ideas and actions. I am a mother of a 37 year old son who is a teacher and has a 3 year daughter. My profession for 17 years was to direct a school age child care program in Waterville Public Schools. My focus is children. My primary concern is assault weapons. You were in the military as was my husband and as far as I am concerned there is no place for assault weapons except in war. I used to feel isolated from this threat living in Maine but after Lewiston I realize no place is safe. But gun laws can change so that mass murders are a thing of the past. Please do everything you can to address this issue for us in Maine.

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