The biggest problem facing Maine - is the liberal politicians are taking over and have no idea what they are doing. First thing that the Politicians in DC need to do is CLOSE the boarders to illegal entries. Then start deporting all the criminals that have come in illegally. Do this before considering aid to other countries. The Federal Government doesn't pay for a thing for these people, the taxpayers do and I'm tired of one party blaming the other when the PRESIDENT can do it with the stroke of a pen. There needs to be a quicker path to get these illegals to prove they should be here by working and being a productive, tax paying part of society. Perhaps, instead of a green card they get a different color one to earn a green card. Maybe it's time for term limits and required age retirement of elected officials.

Ellie N

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"Putin’s Russia is a restive world power that increasingly acts to undermine democratic governments, including our own. Putin has made clear that his ambitions do not end in Ukraine, and our NATO allies are warning of additional military confrontations."

There is no evidence that this is true, and a ton of evidence that this is not true. It is convenient to open the page in the book to where Russia invaded Ukraine, and that is to ignore everything that came before that presupposed it, such as the Ukraine coup in 2014, the Azov Nazi element, and the exploitation of Ukraine for Western interests.

"Setting aside our national security interests, the truth is that this is also good for our economy. Almost all of the money spent by Congress on Ukraine aid would go to American manufacturing facilities, where highly skilled American workers with good-paying, middle-class jobs make arms and ammunition. By supporting Ukraine, we stimulate our own nation’s production economy and strengthen our manufacturing base."

A "War Economy" and American Weapons Manufacturers interests are not a valid excuse to support continued war efforts in a foreign country already decimated in it's infrastructure, and the murder of a whole generation of Ukrainian men in the name of, not democracy, but profits.

It is not Putin who has sabotaged peace efforts, but the West that has done so. If you are really as interested in America's interests, and want what's best for your family, you will work for peace, not continued war.

I am one of your constituents. Stand up for what's right. Not for your party's narratives.

Fix our border. Work for peace in Ukraine. Work for peace in Gaza. Bring infrastructure improvements through public works, not jobs in weaponry. Violence only begets more violence. As a soldier you should know that.

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Our nation is trillions of dollars in debt. Our nation's border is wide open to drug dealers, criminals and terrorists. Our nation's Bill of Rights are under attack by those who claim to be protecting democracy. Our nation's core values, which used to work, are being eradicated in the name of change. I am so sick and tired of verbose politicians who talk but don't say anything.

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How much support can you give when your own house is on fire? We don't have money for the programs to help our own citizens, but can find billions to send to Ukraine. We don't have money for the programs to help our own citizens, but can find millions to help illegal immigrants. This sounds like the same messaging that I see with corporations that we buy products from. The corporations are so focused on new customers, that they don't care about existing customers. Corporations focus on deals and services for new customers while existing customers foot the bill so the corporation can seek new customers. Corporations haven't realized that the reason they can look for new customers is because of existing customers. We want to help save the world, we have to help save ourselves first. If our country falls apart, how do we help anyone else?

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This is what Biden and You Jared Golden are allowing to happen! Your bill means nothing. Biden dismantled the great policy's that protected our boarder on day one and now we have 8.5 million new illegal aliens from all over the world. Our country is in serious trouble as well as the world thanks to the Democrats!

The information below shows the pathetic state of our union under the Biden administration. Direct from Homeland website. We all need to seriously think about the reality of burying our head in the sand.

Key Facts:

Encounters at the Southwest border (SWB) in FY2023 increased over 40% since FY2021, 4% compared to FY2022, and more than 100% compared to FY2019.

Last month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported a 40% increase compared to September 2021 and 18% compared to September 2022.

Since President Biden took office, there have been 7.5 million encounters nationwide and 6.2 million encounters at the Southwest border, in addition to 1.7 million known gotaways.

In FY2023, 169 individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry. 18 were apprehended in September alone.

So far in FY2023, CBP has arrested 35,433 aliens with criminal convictions or outstanding warrants nationwide, including 598 known gang members, 178 of those being MS-13 members.

In FY2023, CBP, including Air and Marine Operations, has seized 27,293 pounds of fentanyl, coming across the Southwest border—enough to kill more than 6 billion people.



Plus another million since this was posted in October of 2023

Vote wisely or we won't have a country!

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A nation is only as strong as it treats its disabled Veterans, the VA continues to be a problem to the veterans in our community!

Support for Ukraine is a seminal issue to this country and our security, some of your colleagues don’t share my view. I’m a Cold War veteran and I can; from my experience with the Russians at sea and on the land, say that if they aren’t stopped were they are, they will continue to kill, rape, and maim anyone they can while drunk on duty. It is an American imperative to protect our partners and the innocent, no amount of political maneuvering can alter how history will view this incompetent behavior!

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Jared is a thoughtful guy, but brevity is not his strong suit. The biggest problem in Maine, or anywhere else in the country for that matter, is the existence of anyone who could possibly support the corrupt administration headed by the Biden Crime Family. And if your response includes a shred of Trump whataboutism, you are as complicit as the Senile Chinese Puppet of 1600 in the migrant crime wave engulfing the nation and the inflation that is crippling the finances of average Mainers in ME2. If Jared supports Joey Biden this Fall, he has to go.

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Thank you! Please continue to work to save our democracy

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We're so proud of you for all you're doing to try to bring some resolution to the Border and Ukraine. Thank you for all your hard work! You make Maine Proud! What keeps me up at night is losing our Democracy to someone who wants an Autocratic Government. We need more people like you in Congress to fight for us! Thank you!

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I agree with you and support your bipartisanship. Sick of everyone’s selfish behavior and political agenda. Keep up your great fight

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Just watched you on Cuomo. Great job, great bill! Thank you for all you do.

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Could someone just finally fix the WEP for working people. We seem to give billions to other countries, illegals. Yet people who have worked all their lives and paid thousands in taxes. Get little.

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Jered, I have always been a moderate republican bur these days I find myself embarrassed to admit it. The controlling Republicans do not have the same values as I do. In short, I am one of the middle

I disagree with many of Bidens policy and I will NEVER vote for Trump....NEVER...for anything. Re: Ukraine, a government who chooses not to remember history is Destin to repeat it. In 1941 American were isolationist...the war was Europa's problem. If England had fallen to the Nazi's and pearl Harbor had not been attached...we would have been fighting a war on both coast....we' be speaking German. So...if we don't support Ukraine now. The next step is Poland. We must have more congress reps that will seek common ground. Willing to compromise, and vote for what's good for the country and not vote for whatever their party wants them to VOTE for! Republican or democrats. Contry FIRST....NOT PARTY!


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Trump had all these crazy communist leaders in Check! There were NO new wars under Trump and he brought peace to the middle east. Oh and the most secure border in history! It's too bad our national news continues to brainwash the american people. Biden did this to our country and he has assisted in all the problems around the world. It' too bad people are blind to all the good that Trump has done. Mainly because you will never hear it on the fake news. "Peacefully and Patriotically" --Trump

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Not only do we have to close the southern boarder but our northern border also. Inflation is a big problem under this administration my electric bill went from $80 to $190. gas for my list chevy cruz is up by $25 and the pickup truck is up $50 then the food I buy not including meat is any where from $65 to $90 more every time I go to the grocery store. It's just insane! then we listen to the candadates for this Presidential election and all they do is bash each other, no one tells us what they are going to do for the little guy then we have taxes CHANGE THE TAX LAWS SO BIG TECH CANNOT GO THRU LOOP HOLES TO AVOIDE PAYING, NEVER MIND RAISING THEIR TAXES CHANGE THE LAWS AND BRING MORE BUSINESSES INTO MAINE. also get rid of the IRS one tax for all 10% straight across the board and for heaven's sake STOP spending we have to take care of America not the rest of the world.

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While visiting my FOUR yr old granddaughter, we were playing school with her dolls and stuffed animals and suddenly she shouted "BAD GUYS! INTO THE CLOSET! QUIET! EVERYBODY DOWN! " . She began moving her toys into the safety of the closet.  She was conducting an active shooter drill from her school.    Please promote  banning assault rifles and enforcing red flag laws.   My school drill was to dive under desks in case of Russian nuclear attacks ; her drills are to protect against those who walk among us. (Though she may be doing that as well if we don't support Ukraine!)

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What you said about Putin and the Ukraine is the opposite of reality. NATO and the USA are the restive aggressors. I suggest you watch Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin to arrive at a more balanced view. NO money and weapons should go to Ukraine. Also, we are already being invaded and attacked. we need to close our borders and round up all the criminals that are here to destroy our country. AND, most important we need to reject the WHO's attempt at control and leave the WHO. We are at war with a hidden group who actually controls the sock puppet pretending to be king. We need our elected officials to actually work on behalf of the people who require no more toxins in the water, food, air and airwaves. Our captured government agencies like FDA,CDC, EPA need to be held accountable as well as our government that destroyed the regular communities of this country. Free speech needs to return and we need to listen to ALL the voices.

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